Regular Members (Annual)

Annual Membership Fee: 25$

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Any person holding recognized medical or scientific degrees, or other professional qualifications.
  • Any persons who are, or have been, actively connected with leprosy work in any country.

Benefits & Privileges:

  • Members would be able to take part in all the activities of the ILA, including the General meeting of the members.
  • Members would have full access to the ILA web portal.
  • Members would be eligible for all other ILA member privileges announced from time to time including special discounts for the International Leprosy Congress when announced.

Sustaining Members & Grantors

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Sustaining Members are philanthropic and other organizations contributing annually at least US$500 to the funds of the Association.
  • Grantors are those Sustaining Members contributing annually a sum of at least US$ 1000 to the funds of the Association.

Individuals and organizations interested in becoming Sustaining Members and Grantors of the ILA are encouraged to reach out to the President, International Leprosy Association at

Affiliated Members

Affiliated Members comprise country-based entities, associations and organizations desiring affiliation with the International Leprosy Association.

Institutions and societies interested in becoming Affliated Members of ILA, please direct correspondence to the President, International Leprosy Association at

Note: Institutions, organisations and societies interested in enrolling members in a group and payment, please contact support or write an email to